


NZ 1年留学生からの便り



October brings lambing season in New Zealand and many lambs are born. My school has a small farm where we have about 7 lambs that need care. The mother lamb can usually only raise up to two lambs, so we humans need to help. I had the opportunity to experience giving milk to the lambs. They are very adorable. Sheep are one of the symbols of New Zealand, and it was a special experience to interact with them.
I also had the opportunity to meet new and wonderful people when I went out on the town. It is fun to interact with students from other schools and expand my circle of friends. It is very interesting to interact with students from different countries and get a taste of their unique culture. There are many differences between different countries in terms of food, ways of thinking, annual events, what is acceptable and unacceptable, etc. It is fun to share these differences with each other and deepen our friendships. By looking at my own country from the outside, I was able to realize that what I took for granted was actually different from different perspectives.
In class, I learned about digital technology, gave a presentation about Japan in Japanese class in English, and studied statistics in math. Learning statistics in English was sometimes difficult, but I was able to take practice tests and eventually pass them in preparation for the big annual test. These experiences were very valuable to me.